tel:021 4304547


We decided before our retirement that we would avail of the bike to work scheme to avail of the tax efficient purchase of 2 electric Bikes. We spent the next 2 months calling to and looking online at dealers and what they had to offer.

City View Wheels was by far the best we had come across.  The options of models available, the customer service and after sales contact was outstanding. Our point of contact was Patrick.  He guided us through all we needed to know on the subject and since purchase has been a great backup to have if we had any further questions.  His attention to detail was very impressive.

The Bikes we purchased were Kreidler with a Bosch Battery.  While we both have fairly new ordinary bikes that we use on level Terrain and city cycling. The electric bikes give us the scope to head to West Cork and Kerry hills and further afield that would be impossible for us otherwise. As we get older the bikes will become even more invaluable as we transition further to electric bike use.

Thank you Patrick for being so helpful,

Lillian and Gerry, Ballincollig

Cycling is now fun again, which it wasn’t really since my knee replacement surgery…so take my word and go Electric.

I got my first bike, a Raleigh Trent Tourist (one gear only,) at 12 years old bought for me by my mum in Belfast. That was a special occasion.

My next I bought for myself when I started work, It took 22 months to pay-off! It was a “Fred Ephgrave” with hand carved lugs which Fred carved by-hand himself. I watched two brothers put it together in their own bike shop in Belfast. Another special occasion.

Over the years I have owned several bikes…not in America though, they don’t like bikes there… the car rules!

I always thought even after I had my knee-replacement done here in Cork that one day I could envisage buying an electric bike…but always a wee bit into the future, until out cycling with my wife Vera, I found I was struggling on one or two of the steeper roads around town, and would have to dismount and walk my bike to a flatter surface.

Not great for the male ego and Cork ain’t a flat city! So, a few weeks ago it was borne in on me after seeing a short uTube video on the City View Wheels website that I had better speak to an expert, which is where Patrick came in.

Clearly understanding my situation, he allowed me to trial my first e-bike in the parking lot and I was amazed at how easily I could go uphill. Mind you, I took a tumble on my third-go making too sharp a turn, my error, but that did not deter me one jot and I have since been having a lot of pleasure winging around local streets and going down to the library, and even flying home by “The Straight” and not breaking a sweat or being out of breath. Magic!

Cycling is now fun again, which it wasn’t really since my knee replacement surgery…so take my word and go Electric.

JJ Jordan, Model Farm Road, Cork

Good old-fashioned courtesy and efficiency

If you are reading this you are obviously contemplating buying an electric bike but are not definite where to buy  – or which one – just like I was.

Let’s concentrate first on where to buy.   I ask you not to go any further than CVW!!!   Going to CVW is an experience which restores confidence in humanity!!  From the moment you enter the shop you are met with good old-fashioned courtesy and efficiency by everyone.   Patrick Murray is one of kind, he is so helpful and knowledgeable.  He isn’t “all out” to make a sale.  He gives you all of the information and then recommends what he feels is best for you.  There is no pressure or waffle.   The showroom is lined with different bikes – each one has a neatly and clearly HAND WRITTEN description attached with all the details – you won’t see that attention to detail elsewhere.  This is not a flashy showroom with the main purpose of making a sale.  If only every other sales person could take a leaf out of Patrick’s (and all of the CVW staff) book and stop all the pressure – not matter what you are buying!

Next the all-important bike.   You will agree that an electric bike is not cheap and not a purchase to be made on a whim.    I found due to aches and pains etc using my regular bike was no longer enjoyable.  Patrick suggested that the Kreidler Vitality Eco 6 was the best one for me (they also have other brands).   It is unbelievable!!!  Now I just sail along – strong winds, hills and humps no longer a bother, just flick that power button up, no more puffing and panting!!   Taking off e.g. from traffic lights is so easy, no more wobbling as I move off, just have the power upped and take off like a rocket!  It’s the same with any incline.   Patrick ensures you have the saddle and handlebars in the correct position which is very important and makes your cycle trip so very comfortable.

I am so delighted I bought a Kreidler bike and especially that I bought it in CVW – such a positive experience.   It is not a “flashy bells and whistles” bike but it is so strong and every component is obviously of the highest quality which obviously is the most important thing.  Recently we have heard in the media that you need to know the frame number of your bike.  I had no worries on that front – it was among all of the details that Patrick had written out for me.

No need to procrastinate any further.   Go to CVW and buy yourself an electric bike and enjoy many wonderful cycling trips in the years ahead.

Kathleen O’Mahony

Kathleen O'Mahony, Ballintemple, Cork

Liberation in Lockdown

I’m not one who typically writes reviews but when I find something amazing and life enhancing, I feel compelled to spread the good news!  Such is my motivation when writing about my experience with City View Wheels and my first e-bike purchase.  Owning an e-bike has been something I have dreamed of since I first took one for a spin on a holiday in Westport.  The sense of freedom and limitlessness I felt was so empowering that I have been hooked ever since.  Prior to purchasing my e-bike I spent a lot of time researching different types of e-bikes and the pitfalls to look out for in bike build, battery type, motor capacity, gears and brakes.  All of this research led me to choose City View Wheels.  For me, they distinguish themselves by specialising in a limited range of very high-quality German built bikes, but, more importantly, they distinguish themselves by who they are.   From my first encounter with Patrick, I felt I was in the safe hands of a trustworthy friend.  His low-key approach, honesty and genuine enthusiasm for cycling were compelling.  Fast forward, not only did I fulfil my dream of purchasing an e-bike, but I convinced my husband to do so too! And what a gift those two bikes have been.  Since August 2020, while the world has been locked down, we have felt liberated and have found places in our locality that we never knew existed, climbing steep forest trails and hilly roads with ease.  Also, the support and after sales service we have received from City View Wheels has been second to none.  If you are thinking of getting an e-bike, I can recommend City View Wheels without hesitation.

Kathleen Horgan, Co. Clare

A New Hobby for Retirement

Delivery of a wonderful Kreidler electric bike earlier this year left me slightly apprehensive. Being a sporadic fair weather cyclist I worried if this SUV of bicycles would add to further conspicuous consumption; another unnecessary acquisition.

But nothing could be further from the truth and I would suggest to anybody thinking about a new hobby for retirement, consider a Kreidler.

A recent cycling trip in Connemara completely renewed my confidence in cycling holidays. At risk of being a cycling bore the following trip might reassure anyone like me, in the novice league, and who might be thinking of tackling a good long cycle.

To begin, it confirmed the power and capacity of the Kreidler battery; a crucial element on a long road trip.  Also, fear of punctures are reduced with very substantial tyres – and cycling novices need to feel secure about these specifics. Strong battery capacity is essential too – no use in getting to one’s destination to be faced with anxiety about the return trip. Obviously it can be charged “en route” but it’s preferable not to have to bother with this. And it goes without saying that good brakes are essential.

This following day trip certainly tested the Kreidler in terms of all the above mentioned fears.


Leaving Roundstone  – head for Recess on main Clifden/Galway road (R341). Shortly before Recess, turn left onto R344 and head up the Inagh Valley between the Maam Turk mountains and Lough Inagh, continuing on this road to Kylemore Abbey (R344 rejoins the N59 shortly before arriving at Kylemore).

Returning home from there, head for Letterfrack and Moynard – and on to the Galway – Clifden Road (R340). From Clifton take the R341 to Ballinaboy Bridge turning left onto the Bog Road – returning to Roundstone.

On returning to Roundstone there was a full “bar” left in the battery – indicating possibly another 10 miles – but this is just an estimate. I should add that full use was made of the maximum support!

Kay Harte, Cork

Coping with COVID-19

I have been using my Kreidler e-bike as much as I can since this whole Covid business began. During the lockdown I cycled most days in Ballincollig park. Anytime I have to go anywhere like the City I use my bike, even if its raining. I really enjoy my electric bike. It makes cycling so easy and going anywhere especially if its an errand, it is not a chore. I also feel the bike is much safer than walking as there is less risk of being as close to people as if one was walking. I feel also its important to try to keep up some effort at keeping fit or getting exercise as I find the new way of living imposed on us by the threat of the virus curtails activity and has eliminated some pastimes. So my electric bike is helping me to stay fit and active which has a positive effect on my mood and is helping greatly to keep my spirits up.

Alan Davis

So Much More Than I Had Expected

As someone who has always valued the opportunity of a countryside walk, but so often wanted to explore around the next bend or over the next hill, I felt that an Electric Bike could be my solution. Happily, I have been proved right.

Although only purchased some months ago, I have already covered over 1,700km, so much more than I had expected. This Kalkhoff ebike has opened a new aspect of life for me, experiencing so many hours of exercise, enjoyment and fresh air that I would not have otherwise had. Now I have no problem in exploring over the next hill, and many more.

In fact I have been so pleased, both my wife and brother have now purchased Kreidler ebikes from City View Wheels. There is a large showroom with a choice of sizes and styles. Luckily the yard is on a hill, and if you take a test cycle, you are sure to be smiling by the time you reach the top.

Tom O'Mahony, Crosshaven

Daily Exercise and Fresh Air

Having recently purchased two Kreidler Vitality Eco 6 electric bikes from City View Wheels, Cork city, we wish to express our sincere thanks to Patrick and his staff for their professionalism and kindness to us.
Both myself and my wife are retired and finding ourselves with time on our hands for travel and sightseeing we decided to do some research on electric bikes as we live in north Clare which has some very beautiful scenery, but also many steep hills.
We came across City View Wheels and were so impressed with their website and large selection of German made electric bikes we decided to travel to Cork to have a look for ourselves.
To say we were impressed is an understatement…from the moment we met Patrick we felt completely at ease, he answered all our questions and gave us lots of time to try out many different models of electric bikes.  Although we were pretty sure we were going to invest, at no time did we feel any pressure to purchase, in fact Patrick advised us to take our time, to go home and consider all the information he had given us. We travelled back home to Clare very happy and excited and the following day the deal was sealed.
Patrick and his wife Helen delivered our two new Kreidler electric bikes to our home in north Clare in February before the Covid 19 outbreak…what perfect timing…we have been able to use them on a daily basis in our immediate neighbourhood, untroubled by traffic, and how we have enjoyed using them to get our daily exercise and fresh air.
We can honestly say that buying our electric bikes from Patrick at City View Wheels has been the best investment we have made, the build quality of the bikes is superb, they are strong and sturdy and with the Bosch high performance battery  cycling up hills is effortless.
For anyone considering the purchase of an electric bike we highly recommend City View Wheels in Cork…Patrick has a wealth of knowledge and experience of electric bikes and he treated us with such kindness at all times.
We hope he displays this acknowledgement of our gratitude on the website of City View Wheels.

James and Mary McNamara, Doolin

Dear Patrick,

Re: Electric Bike

Firstly, this is to acknowledge your help – and your patience – in educating me about the benefits of an electric bike (and making it easy for me to eventually make the decision to purchase!).

Secondly, I have to say that it has transformed my life in a very short time. As I approached 80, I had been finding increasing difficulty in dealing with fairly moderate climbs. This had become a real deterrent and off-putting, to the point that I had become more and more inclined to revert to my car – even for local journeys.

Now, there is no restriction whatever on my cycling routes – or distance. I pedal in the ‘OFF’ mode on level or nearly level terrain, getting as much exercise as I ever did. I go in the next ‘Eco’ mode for gradients and only rarely need to go into ‘Tour’ mode. I can test the ‘Sport’ or even ‘Turbo’ modes at the touch of a button – brilliant! By getting a bike with no crossbar, my wife is also able to use it.

In the past, I mainly cycled just to go places, the 3 – 4 miles into Cork, for instance. Now, I have started to also cycle for both exercise and enjoyment. I’m telling all my friends that this was one of the best purchases I have ever made and I’d give you 10 out of 10 for the customer service.

Yours sincerely,

Joe Tuohy, Model Farm Road

My Miracle Kreidler!

My message is I cycled recently from Francis Street in Dublin to my home in Waterford over three days on my new Kreidler Vitality Eco 6. Loaded with two panniers it proved to be the perfect touring bike. I was not prepared for the range miracle however! After drifting off course leaving Dublin I lost significant range to my destination in Baltinglass and began to contemplate having to stop much earlier than I had planned. I even pushed the bike up a very long hill in order to conserve the diminishing power. But to my amazement (and huge relief) as I remounted and pedalled I saw the range climb from a remaining 35K to a whopping 105K. I also had an equivalent range boost over all the options. I arrived at Baltinglass with loads to spare and in great shape. I made another terrible navigation error on the following day but the range was no problem again. I’m convinced that the rear wheel has a dynamo that boosts the battery. Nothing like this happened on my old Kalkoff which when it was out of juice it was out of juice. I look forward to many more miracles!

Damien McLellan

CVW Reply: We are delighted that you are having such fun with your new Kreidler. While only a miracle Kreidler could recharge itself, we do agree that they seem to go on forever on each charge!

The Freedom to Travel on My Own

My name is Conor and I have a physical disability. I never had the freedom to travel on my own or with my family on cycles at home and aboard. That’s where City View Wheels and Kalkhoff came into my life. It was a massive change to how I lived as I suddenly had the freedom to travel around local areas with hills that would have been impossible before I got my electric bike. Dealing with City View Wheels was a pleasure and I was treated with the upmost respect and given the best possible bike that suited my needs. Everything about the Kalkhoff I use helps me to get from A-B comfortably and smoothly. The bike has changed my life because I have the freedom to travel to my friends house and go out for spins with my family.
Overall I would recommend Kalkhoff and City View Wheels to anyone interested in getting a electric bike.

Conor O'Callaghan, Kinsale

‘The Ebike’s Yer Man’

Up until last month, I was a life-long push cyclist, still regularly touring and day-tripping on my beloved vintage Raleigh. However, I am seventy-five years old and forced to acknowledge that age has tapped my strength and stamina. Hill ascension, particularly under load, has become too challenging. Long distance touring is possible, but daunting. In this situation, I decided to make the transition to an electric bicycle to keep myself rolling for a few more years. I’m not yet ready for the rocking chair, bar, and bookie shop.

After several months of self-education, I decided to purchase a step-through bike which is suitably durable for West Cork, able to withstand and ride through the potholes and rubble along the shoulder of the roadway, the place to which cyclists are routinely consigned. Features I noticed are ‘walk along’ power assist, disk brakes, and internal gearing. Weight distribution seemed more important than overall weight. And, of course, the ‘look’ of a bike of any bike is important. Many ebikes on the market look cobbled together, quickly assembled from bolt-on parts to meet the burgeoning market. A bicycle should be more than function, it is beauty in motion.

My survey led me to the Kalkhoff and Kreidler ebikes sold by City View Wheels in Cork City. Both manufacturers offer a range of purpose built, street legal, ebikes. They seem entirely comparable. The Kalkhoff offers a drive belt, a feature which attracts me for practical reasons, but none with a drive belt was then available with disc brakes. Granted the weight and muscle of these machines, disc brakes should be considered essential. I opted for the Kreidler Evo, a step-thru bicycle with hydraulic disc brakes, Shimano 8-speed internal gearing, and sturdy luggage rack and mud guards. This machine also features Bosch bottom bracket drive and a battery located on the down tube making weight distribution optimal.

I have been making daily use of my new Kreidler for three weeks, ticking over one hundred kilometres in each. It’s ability to get me in, out, and around West Cork is amazing. I now ascend hills I haven’t conquered in years and am re-visiting places which had become inaccessible to me, unconsciously deleted from my route selection because of their difficulty. As I cycle, I’ve been moving in, fine tuning saddle adjustment, brake calliper placement, and panier tie-down. As an old school kind of cyclist, I prefer a Brooks saddle (I had one already broken in) and an un-sprung seat post.

The most interesting thing about the transition to assisted cycling has been learning to co-operate with a computer and electric motor. For me, it’s been a bit like settling in with a new partner on a tandem. We get more efficient with every kilometre we travel together. I would compare e-biking to scuba diving. It opens a whole new world but requires more attention to technical detail than free diving. Granted the new freedom it offers, it’s time well spent.

For pure pleasure, there’s nothing like hopping on a skinny one-speed bike and doodling around on a smooth road, but if you want to travel somewhere the ebike’s yer man. And, that’s where to find me nowadays; cycling somewhere, back out on the open road, and riding against the wind. Thanks Kriedler.

Jack Kelleher Clonakilty, West Cork

As someone who has been cycling for over 65 years and living in a very hilly area, I recently bought a new electric bike from City View Wheels. This is a dream machine. I have the best of both worlds, climbing those hills or cycling against the wind, you just click on the right gears and the battery power does the rest. I just can’t wait to get out every day, it’s like a new lease of life, a pleasure to ride. I definitely would not go back to an ordinary bike again.
Justin McCarthy,


Hi Patrick – just to tell you I am cycling to work every day rain or shine – if I dont feel like it first thing
I just remember the traffic jams! Cycling home in the dark is a little unnerving as I am on an unlit country
road but not much traffic either.


Thank you for all your help & assistance when buying my Kalkhoff Electric Bicycle, even though the summer hasn’nt been great I have enjoyed every minute on my bike. There are too many hills for me where I live to use an ordinary bike. On my Kalkhoff it’s no problem. After years of not cycling & now in my mid 60’s I’m rejuvinated.
Thank you,
Patricia Coyne

East Cork

Patrick, at City View Wheels, provides what can only be described as the BEST customer service available. My experience with Patrick has been nothing short of top notch and ultimately a five-star experience. It was just over two years ago that I moved to Cork and therewith made the commitment to live without a car. Through extensive research I quickly decided that an e-bike would be a suitable option for my new lifestyle and found Kalkoff to be highly recommended. There upon, I visited City View Wheels and was introduced to Patrick. He discussed all my options with me untiringly and at length while answering all queries unhesitatingly. I was able to test ride one of the Kalkoffs for a couple of weeks. After the test period, I knew I had to take the plunge and make the purchase. Patrick, throughout was extremely knowledgeable about everything regarding e-bikes. He could answer any question posed leaving me with a sense of security when making the purchase. The process from start to finish was effortless with Patrick’s help.

It has been two years now, during which I have gotten to know and love the city of Cork on my e-bike. The Kalkoff is high quality, comfortable to ride and perfectly suited to a city dweller. What cannot be forgotten, and important for anybody to know who’s looking to purchase from Patrick, is that the help and attentiveness provided continues even after purchase. With any issues that have arisen, Patrick has come to my house, picked up the e-bike, repaired it and thereafter returned it. He does so with not just a fast turnaround but always with a smile. It is for these reasons that when family has come to visit I did not hesitate in renting multiple e-bikes from Patrick for both short and long usage, which ultimately lead to a second purchase of a used Kalkoff for my visitors. Patrick has never ceased to make everyone feel welcome and safe while riding on one of the City View Rentals, even including practice and tutorials to those less comfortable beforehand.

Patrick is somebody I cannot recommend highly enough if you are looking for friendly, attentive and all around excellent customer service – and really who isn’t?

Kerri Clough-Gorr

I bought my KREIDLER Vitality electric bike from City View Wheels and have now completed my first 500 km and, so far, I have been really impressed with its performance.

The bike performs very well and the power is very good on the uphill journeys.

I can easily do a round trip of 60 km with medium setting and 40 km on high setting before recharging.

The recharge time is approx 4 hours or less. The battery 36V, can be topped up easily any time.

I’m very happy to recommend this KREIDLER e-bike for town or country cycling.As someone who has been cycling for over 65 years and living in a very hilly area, I recently bought a new electric bike from City View Wheels. This is a dream machine. I have the best of both worlds, climbing those hills or cycling against the wind, you just click on the right gears and the battery power does the rest. I just can’t wait to get out every day, it’s like a new lease of life, a pleasure to ride. I definitely would not go back to an ordinary bike again.

Jana Heldt

I I have owned my Kalkoff bicycle for about one year and it has completely changed my cycling habits.I live at the top of Military hill in Cork city and for various reasons, mostly my age{65),I had long ago lost the ability
to cycle up the hill.If I wanted to go out on my previous bike I had to put it in the car and drive to the bottom. Now I can cycle up the hill quite well. It still requires some effort but it’s possible and I now use the bike
for all town trips. I can also go off for a 20-25 mile jaunt if the weather is really nice.These are beautifully made bikes and I recommend them highly.

I just wanted to thank you and CVW for supplying me with a fantastic bike that has revolutionised my life as a commuter. No hill is too steep, no wind too strong and its it’s an absolute pleasure to cycle.
I also wanted to thank you personally for the fantastic service you showed to me before during and after the purchase of the bike, it was second to none and I am happy to say I would suggest anybody even interested in an electric bike, should pay you a visit, they wont be disappointed
Thanks so much again Patrick


I always loved cycling and I learned to cycle on my Aunt’s bike when I was about eight years of age. I have had bicycles on and off since I was a teenager.

In May I was kindly loaned a bike by Pat Murray of City View Wheels. My first experience was on a wet morning with some wind and I was climbing up to the Vee in the Knockmealdown Mountains which is a climb of 2000 feet or 610 metres. The bike is a Kriedler Vitality Eco 6 with four power assist settings. It also has a display panel for speed and distance information and very good lights. I was really amazed as to how this bike performed and how simple the controls were. After about an hour into the cycle I knew I wanted to own this bike. A deal was done!

I work in Cork City which is eleven kilometres from where I live. For years I had the stress of the slow driving in heavy traffic, finding parking, the expense of parking (and getting the odd parking fine). I now love cycling to work. On a Kriedler bike there is no sense of the wind being a tiring obstacle and hills just seemingly flatten out using the combination of the eight gears and one of the four power assist settings.

The design of this Kreidler bike is amazing also. Even though it is heavier than an ordinary bike, I experience it as being exactly the same as cycling an ordinary bike on a flat road when I have all power turned off. It is not heavy or cumbersome, it just glides along.

My fitness level has improved and I notice this having been using 4th gear on the flat when I first got the bike to now using 6th gear for the same rhythm and speed. The power assist also makes take off (especially at traffic lights) safer, and much easier. I experience an easy and safe start with little or no risk of wobble. The Bosch electric motor is very powerful and quiet in operation. The help from Economy assist, which is the lowest power setting, is very noticeable when engaged. The other higher settings of Tour, Sport, and Turbo serve well when needed and really make the challenge of any hill a pleasure to conquer. My Kriedler bike will not be long paying for itself, and as far as possible I intend to use it every day I can. There is nothing as nice after a long days work and I am tired, than to switch to minimum assist and gently cruise home with ease.

Alan Davis

“Life changing experience owning a Kalkhoff” by Teresa and Kevin Conneely, Co. Clare

My husband and I were out walking in our area three years ago and came upon a gentleman who was cycling a Kalkhoff electric bicycle. I took time to stop and speak with this gentleman regarding his Kalkhoff. My husband had little interest in this type of bike at that particular time.

However, upon a long conversation with the gentleman he informed me that he made the purchase with Patrick in City View Wheels. I then thought well we must pay city wheels a visit sometime in the future when I convince my husband about electric bikes. During the midterm break in October that year I told my husband we were heading for Cork City, quiet a distance from our home but therefore I knew once we got there I was half way in convincing him to visit City View Wheels.

Well, we then set out one morning in very bad weather conditions to visit City View Wheels and make an enquiry about the Kalkhoff bikes. We met with Patrick and I knew from our initial meeting we were not leaving the garage that day without a purchase. We were over impressed with his knowledge and honesty and his delivery of the sale from start to finish. It turned out we purchased two Kalkhoff bikes and couldn’t wait to get them on the road back to Co Clare.

That purchase has been a life changing event for us and especially for myself as I wasn’t interested in too much exercise at that time. Now, today three years on I cannot wait to get outdoors on my Kalkhoff. We have cycled a few thousand kilometres in that time and have loved every minute of the experience. We had to change one type since we purchased these bikes and rang Patrick one day for advice, the next day we received the tyre by the post and on the road again.

In my opinion, Patrick is a gentleman and has a very good customer service delivery which is I can truly say is hard to get from any organisation. Thank you Patrick, we very much appreciate your patience and knowledge and are looking forward to doing business with you in the future.

We would be delighted if you wish to use this Testimonial on your website

Hi Patrick,

It’s not often that I write to express my appreciation for customer experience. I have just purchased two Kalkoff electric bikes and while I have not done a great deal of cycling to date I must say that the experience of buying a bike from you has been excellent. Everything that needed to be explained to me was done in great detail and the purchase was not forced. Based on my experience so far I have great confidence in the Bikes and in you and City View Wheels. Thanks for everything and I have no doubt this will be the first of many purchases from you. I would recommend you with confidence to any of my friends and family.
PS I will be happy for you to use this as a testimonial if you want.

Maurice and Margaret Mallow. (Brosnan)

Our day out in Kinsale with Kalkhoff Electric Bicycles was great!
When I planned taking my boyfriend for a weekend out in Kinsale by the sea I thought cycling would be much nicer than getting on a bus. I had cycled from Cork to Kinsale (about 30 km) and back in the summer on a regular bike but found it quite tiring and that by the time I got to Kinsale I had no energy to cycle and explore any further along the coast.

This time in October I though it would be nice to cut on the energy spent on the hills and more on enjoying the landscape and so I decided to get us some electric bikes.

Patrick was extremely helpful with setting us up with the bikes and all the gear we needed and we set off the next day on a Sunday from Cork. We had our phones with directions and GPS but most of the way to Kinsale is clearly marked.

The first bit out of Cork was straightforward, then two or three roundabouts in which we had to double check our way once or twice to be sure, but then onto Kinsale Rd/ N27 and all the way past the airport to Kinsale. It took us under two hours in a very leisurely pace, stopping for the views a couple of times. The hills that had me struggling on a normal bike before were no effort at all and it felt a bit like flying. A lot of the roads have cycle lanes but there are parts that I would not advice to unexperienced cyclists as much because when it is busy you have to let yourself be overtaken in a controlled manner by cars and it is important that you feel confident doing that.

Kinsale is a lovely quiet town and we really enjoyed our time there. The following day we went further along the coast past James fort to the beaches and then back through Kinsale to Charles fort through countryside and sea views and back to Cork. It was a really nice experience and I would definitely recommend and do it again!

All the best

Marta and Matthew

I I have owned my Kalkoff bicycle for about one year and it has completely changed my cycling habits.I live at the top of Military hill in Cork city and for various reasons, mostly my age{65),I had long ago lost the ability
to cycle up the hill.If I wanted to go out on my previous bike I had to put it in the car and drive to the bottom. Now I can cycle up the hill quite well. It still requires some effort but it’s possible and I now use the bike
for all town trips. I can also go off for a 20-25 mile jaunt if the weather is really nice.These are beautifully made bikes and I recommend them highly.

I have been cycling about 20 miles a day for fitness for many years unless in storm weather conditions and as I am a co owner of a business on the outskirts of Dublin I often combine pleasure with business by cycling to and from business meetings inthe city.

Having often arrived sweaty and tired at times for a meeting I decided to consider an electric bicycle as a less strenuous option. I did some research on the various electric makes available on the Irish market and finally decided that the Kalkoff seemed to be the best one available from a specification point of view and user testimonials.

I searched online for an Irish reseller and judging from the website and customer comments I was most impressed by the Cork reseller City View Wheels. As I had a business meeting coming up in Cork I decided to email them and ask about hiring a Bike to try out for 2 days whilst in Cork. To my surprise I received a very helpful and friendly email reply almost instantly from Patrick and it was very easy to arrange hire and collection at their premises. When I arrived to collect the bike about 9 am the bike and safety gear were ready as arranged and Patrick could not have been more courteous and helpful. From the first time I rode the Kalkoff it really exceeded my expectations in every respect and I must have tried every steep hill in Cork city to confirm my first impressions. The electric motor was extremely quite when engaged, the battery indicator showed at more than half charge left after cycling roughly 20 miles with a lot of steep hills. I also found it was extremely easy and a pleasure to ride the bike with the power turned off, so it would be possible to complete a journey in the unlikely event of depleting the battery.

To cut a long story short I abandoned the testing phase after my first day and returned the next morning and bought one bike for myself and another for my wife and she is delighted now to accompany me occasionally when
I go cycling on my normal road bike. She is enjoying it so much that she intends to commute the 4 miles to her workplace on the Kalkoff from next Spring when the weather permits.

I was further surprised that within a week of my purchase Patrick rang me at home to enquire if everything was ok and to my satisfaction. I have bought new cars in the past and have not received this level of customer service. In conclusion I can highly recommend Patrick and City View Wheels if you want to have a good experience with a Kalkoff which I now consider to be the Rolls Royce of electric bicycles and I have confirmed to him that he can share my contact details with any perspective customer to confirm my comments in this testimon

Paddy and Mary

I bought a Kalkoff bike last September. Having wanted to get fitter, to cycle to work and to enjoy cycling, I could not have chosen better. I love being able to wave as I sail past my co-cyclists. Battery life is good and the bike does what I need.
Wynette Limerick

Just with regard to my experience with Kalkhoff, I must say that buying my bike was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Cycling an electric bike is so much fun than an ordinary bike in that I look forward to riding my 20km commute to work each day.

Before I purchased my orignal Kalkhoff I cycled to work no more than 3 times over a 5 year period because of the fact that I was exausted after every commute.

But with my Kalkhoff, on the flat and over the hills is fun while still getting a good workout.
For anybody who wants to save serious money on petrol costs plus get the health benefits of cycling an electric bike, visit Patrick at City View Wheels in Cork where I purchased my new Kalkhoff.

Pat McDonnell.


ITo say my Kalkhoff bike has changed my life is an understatement.

Reliable and comfortable she is my main form of transport be it a short trip to the shops or for long days out exploring the countryside. I live at the top of Cork Hill in Youghal and I have no problem getting home with all my shopping in the basket !

My conscience is clear because she makes very little impact on the environment be it emissions or sound. But most of all I love my Kalkhoff bike because she is so much fun.

Patrick and the team at City View Wheels provide excellent customer service, I feel part of a very friendly club.

Fond regards,


ITo sHi Patrick. We are very pleased with our Kalkhof experience. The ease of cycling the steep city hills without all the usual stress and sweat is simply fabulous. No more worries about cycling against the wind. On Sunday we took a trip into the countryside and opted for the quiet back roads, with no worryies about the hills. Terrific bikes Cycling against the wind is no problem. Very comfortable indeed. We are completely converted. Thanks for your excellent service – most encouraging and helpful Regards, Mike and Sue
Mike and Sue

MMy husband and I recently retired and purchased a motorhome. It became apparent that bicycles would be a valuable asset to complement its use. Although I was very doubtful about how we would manage, since neither of us had cycled since we were teenagers, we paid a visit to City View Wheels, Blarney Street, Cork. We were courteously received by Director Patrick Murray, who patiently answered our many questions and gave us a chance to try out Kalkhoff E-bikes. It was immediately obvious that these bikes would give us the facility to cycle with ease, no wobbly start-offs, no standing on the pedals struggling uphill, no exhaustion setting in half way home, just smooth easy riding up hill and down dale for as long as we chose. Patrick gave us all the information quietly and efficiently without pressuring us to purchase. He is supremely confident in his product and is passionate about his bikes and dedicated to providing a comprehensive first class service to his customers. When we returned to City View Wheels ready to purchase, he advised us wisely, focussing on our individual needs, and he added in some high quality extras such as mirrors, bells and helmets. We bought a Pedelec Impulse 2.0 for my husband and a Pedelec Groove 2.0 for me. The bikes were duly delivered to our door and Patrick had everything ready for our convenience. Over the last few months we have become very proficient cyclists, and have found that Kalkhoff bikes are all that they claim to be. Any little teething problems were dealt with pleasantly, promptly and efficiently by Patrick and his expert team at City View Wheels, and we have got great enjoyment from our new hobby from Cork to Barcelona and back. Great bikes from a great guy. Super machines, super service. We can heartily recommend both the product and the dealer with no reservations whatsoever!
Helen (and Liam) Hodder

My Second Kalkhoff by Michael from Kilkenny

In Nov. 2011, I purchased an electric Kalkhoff bicycle from City View Wheels. I had it until April of this year and used it on a regular basis over that period. I ragged up considerable mileage but my only issue was that the chain broke…a minor one. That cycle stood the test of time, I sold it in May of this year and went down to Cork and purchased the new Impulse. Found this machine far superior in that the lowest setting is adequate for 99% of trips taken. Only the steepest of climbs defeat me now.

I am retired for the past ten years or so and in truth have to say that this electric bicycle has changed my life for the better…healthwise. Rather than getting into the car, I find I take any trips now depending on time and weather on the bicycle. Besides the health factor…I am not using my car as often and thus saving at the petrol pump. Fact is you can ramble through the countryside and be far more relaxed and see over the ditches etc. and enjoy the fresh air.

Finally I wish to state that at all times I found the owner of City View Wheels and his staff very helpful and accommodating when I called down recently to get a service on the bicycle as I live 120 km from Cork. Small things like a rubber seal that went missing perhaps in transit on the train were quickly put in the post when requested.

Certainly would recommend Kalkhoff…this German bicycle from my experience will give excellent trouble free hours of enjoyment over the years.

Michael from Kilkenny

My boyfriend and I made the decision to buy electric bikes in late 2014. We live in Frankfield and no matter which way you go, you always have a trek up hill on the way home. So we decided to sell our road bikes, cash in our “bike to work schemes” and make the change to electric.

We did lots of research on the different options on the market, most of the bike shops we went to had a token one or two electric bikes amongst many normal push bikes. Nobody seemed too confident in selling them, as they didn’t know much about them and couldn’t advise us to how we could get them serviced. That was until we went to City View Wheels, where they had a wide range of Kalkhoffs and we had every confidence that their mechanics would be able to service our bikes.

It was a big purchase to make but we decided that rather than buying each other Christmas presents, (that we probably wouldn’t want) we would get each other a Kalkhoff Impulse Two each. They are fantastic, they allow us spend more quality time together as we go out for cycles every weekend. You can make the cycle as easy or as difficult as you would like, you can turn up the power to high to give you a little helping hand up the hills. My bike has actually replaced my car.

Patrick in City View Wheels couldn’t have been more helpful. We have gone on one organised cycle with other Kalkhoff cyclists from City View Wheels, so far this year and hope that it’s the beginning of many.

Shirley and Finn,

Frankfield, Cork

Having had a triple by pass at the age of 73 I started to investigate ways and means of getting fit. I joined the Cardiac Rehab fitness class at Cork University Hospital for six weeks and found it really helpful but what to do once that came to an end. I met someone at the rehab centre who cycled to hospital so I looked around at various options and makes of bikes. The web made it easy to source information and various options came up but many were in England or Europe.

I decided I needed someone local so searched for Irish suppliers of bikes and ebikes. City View Wheels advertised Kalkhoff ebikes and when I rang their office Patrick Murray answered the phone and was most helpful. I was going to France for a few weeks and promised to contact him on my return which I did. We agreed to meet at his premises a few days later and I tried out the bike on full power and in 5th gear, well it was magic and a pleasure to ride, I was really happy and ordered a bike straight away which was on the Friday. Patrick and Helen arrived at my home with my bike on the Saturday afternoon much to my surprise and delight.

The transfer of funds would only reach his office on the following Monday but he had given me the benefit of the doubt which in these strange times was like a breath of fresh air.

My cycling since September 2014 has been mainly from Sandycove to the Old Head, Ballinspittle and home again which is a round trip of 30km. I also cycle around Kinsale and to Bandon and Innishannon. We have also taken the bikes to Killarney National Park having bought a Westphalia carrier for my car. The scenery there is really magnificent.

Patrick and Helen kindly invited me to join them on a charity cycle round Cork Harbour which was really great fun. A great annual event.

To date I have travelled 1968 Km having recently returned from cycling in France with my wife, the car and the bikes went on the ferry from Cork to Rosscoff and back.

If I have one regret it is that it took so long to re-discover my love for being out and about in the fresh air on a really great bicycle. My brother and his wife who joined us cycling in France also have bought Kalkhoff ebikes.eginning of many.

Erskine and Judy Tanner


IMy research on cycling the Ring of Kerry immediately turned up City View Wheels offering the rental of Kalkhoff ebikes. I was delighted because I had been reading about them in Canada, and was hoping to have an opportunity to try one out.

I admit to a bit of skepticism because it all seemed too good to be true. Patrick Murray answered my emails immediately. The bike would be available on the appropriate dates. He could provide all the equipment including helmet,lock and hi-vis vest. The business was certrally located in Cork for pick up and drop off.

Renting a Kalkhoff was a dream. Patrick in his kind and knowledgeable way made sure that I understood the workings of the bike. He provided directions, tips and his personal experience to help introduce the world of touring on an ebike.

To cycle a quite road in Ireland is to feel a child again. You experience everything you pass by with all your senses. The pace of travel is such, you need never miss anything of interest.The Kalkhoff could handle any mountain pass we could find, maintaining a steady pace on those long uphills without strain and giving stability and awesom brake power on the wild downhills. The long lasting battery just kept going and was so easy to charge at night.
I thought my bad knee ment my days of cycle touring were past, but thanks to the Kalkhoff ebike, my friends had to work hard to keep up! Thank you so much.

Diana Watson.

Hinton, Alberta, Canada

We hired two Kalkhoff electric bicycles off City View Wheels whilst we here holidaying in Glandore in July 2013. The bicycles were excellent and reduced the strain of climbing the many hills in Cork whilst yet affording some outdoor exercise.

We were also very impressed with the service provided by City View Wheels as they delivered the bicycles and collected them at times that suited our needs.

We would strongly recommend that anyone interested in cycling in Ireland who would like some additional assistance climbing hills should check out these bicycles in City View Wheels.

Michael and Emer Brady,


I love my Kalkhoff. It is definitely the best purchase I have made in a long time. I use it on a daily basis to travel the hills of the northside of Cork City with ease, including the famous St.Patrick’s Hill. And Patrick and his crew at City View Wheels couldn’t be more helpful.ed my new Kalkhoff.
Domnic Donnelly Cork


Unsere Tour im Süd-Westen Irlands verlief wie folgt: Kork – Clonakility – Mizen Head – Casstletown – Ring of Kerry – Dingle – Slea Head – Tralee – Killarney Nationalpark – Kork.

Insgesamt sind wir ca. 800 km in einer wunderschönen, abwechslungsreichen Landschaft auf der grünen Insel geradelt. Eine große Erleichterung für die Frauen waren die Elektro-Bikes Kalkhoff, die wir in Kork bei City View Wheels, Blarney Street, gemietet haben. Mit den Kalkhoff-Elektro-Bikes und der fachkundigen Beratung durch den Inhaber Patrick Murray waren wir äußerst zufrieden.

Nochmals vielen Dank und herzliche Grüße

aus Deutschland

I have been using my Kalkhoff to cycle to work in Ringaskiddy between 1 and 3 times a week, since November 2012.
I bought it only because my route of approx 10km includes a particularly steep hill.
I had previously cycled to work from time to time on a regular racing bike, but it was too much effort for regular day to day commuting.

The Kalkhoff reduces the journey to 30 minutes or so each way of moderate exercise. A pleasant start to the day and no need to go to the gym!

I am delighted with it and looking forward to using it more frequently on those mild summer mornings and evenings.

John Guerin


Hi Patrick,
Thanks for a great night. ( Mid-Summer Cycle Hunt )Using the electric bike made me feel young again. It has all of the fun of cycling while none of the pain. You see so much more cycling and feel the elements which make you feel more alive. I normally like to chill out on a Friday after work, but this was invigorating and a much better way to wind down for the weekend. Thanks again.
Ken and Sabina


They’re GREAT these electric bikes. I resisted having one as I’m surrounded by ‘ring if Kerry’ cyclists. I felt I’d be ashamed of my bike. On the contrary I’m absolutely delighted to be able to scoot up our mountain as if angelic beings were with me!!!

So my husband did the research and met Pat and told me that the guy selling the bikes was a nice fella. It only took one spin to be convinced.

Our trips are mainly to cafés and restaurants so now we can plan a whole days cycle and know we’ll be able for the trip back up our lovely mountain!!

With thanks to Helen and Pat and Kalkoff

Dhara and Markus in Kenmare

in Kenmare

On may 15th 2014 we left for Cork Ireland. A long cherished dream of mine to go on holiday in Ireland. For months we arranged everything. Hotels, flights etc.

After investigating all the different routes we concluded, that everything was up hill downhill. With a normal bike this was going to be very hard, especially with all the luggage we had to carry. So in the search for E-bikes we found Patrick Murray of City View Wheels in Cork.
When we arrived in Cork The Kalkhof E-bikes were ready for use. Patrick assisted us on our first moments on the bikes. There was good advice on trips and the best way to handle the E-bikes. Immediately we had good feeling about Patrick and CVW.

We had a wonderful holiday in amazing Ireland. Enjoying the beautiful nature we biked up and down hill, relaxed with our electrical support. We also had to climb two mountains. Without this support it would have been a very tough job.

Biking in Ireland is sure recommendable. And with the Electrical Support our holiday was much more relaxed.
Thank you Patrick and CVW for your service and good support.

Hans Garritsen/Carolie Rode

Amersfoort Holland


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